Helping you follow your personalized therapy program at your own pace
Doctor working with client. Rehabilitation physiotherapy

For many clients, therapy programs usually come from outpatient facilities or home healthcare providers. Most home healthcare agencies employ a strict criterion on therapy eligibility, which does not often reflect the actual experience of a client. Usually, an outpatient facility is their best choice, but the cost and difficulty of regularly visiting one can take its toll, often leading to relapse or discontinued therapy.

Therapy At Your Door works to prevent these things from happening to many clients undergoing physical therapy. Our post-rehabilitation programs provide clients with a convenient and accessible source of outpatient services. Instead of risking your recovery plan, we bring our professional therapy services straight to your home.

Rely on our post-rehab programs to ensure that you meet your recovery goals with ease. Learn more about how we secure your progress towards overcoming your physical challenges.

You Always Have Options

Whatever your current condition may be, know that we offer effective care right in the comfort of your home. Discuss your requirements and get the on-site outpatient therapy plan you need. Start by scheduling an appointment or calling 734-215-5784.